Digital professionalism: Preparation of student nurses in the use of social media

I have recently returned from the Nursing Informatics congress held  in Geneva, Switzerland. I presented a paper on the need for preparing undergraduate students in appropriate behaviour regarding the use of social media while working as nurses. Change to incorporate new behaviours can be supported by the undergraduate curriculum and promote digital professionalism as part of professional identity formation.  The ANMC accreditation documents (2012) mandate that all undergraduate courses must include nursing informatics at a technical, contextual and emancipatory level.

Training in the use of social media while on professional experience, work integrated learning of during clinical practice is essential to progress the embedding of mobile technology within healthcare and promote safe and appropriate use.  Clinical or nurse supervisors also need to have a sound understanding of safe and appropriate behaviour in the use of social media. The recent publication of a study of physicians and their perceptions of using iPads and a recent blog about acute care nurses using iPhones demonstrates that the use of mobile technology within healthcare environments is almost apon us.  The need for preparation and training in how to use mobile technology as well as appropriate behaviour to ensure safe care of patients is essential.  Leadership by nurses to ensure that nurses can and do access mobile technology to improve patient outcomes is necessary. I recently blogged about the role and function of International Council of Nurses.  Their position statements indicate that nurses need to be included and have a voice in decision-making and policy development. Policy development regarding the safe and appropriate use of mobile technology including social media training to guide the next generation of nurses to become role models in effective and efficient use of these tools  is required.

If you have any comments regarding the preparation of students in the use of social media, you are welcome to post them here.  Please join us @PEPCommunity.


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