Upcoming Changes to the MyLO Home Page

On the 25th of May the MyLO landing page: https://mylo.utas.edu.au/d2l/home will undergo a few small changes.

Replacing the existing Important Information widget at the top of the page, will be a new auto-scrolling Carousel for important announcements. As per the image below images will scroll across the screen every three seconds. These can be manually moved through by using the left and right arrows on the image. Hovering over any image pauses the Carousel. More information can be accessed by pressing on the Learn More link.

The announcement tool will also get a new updated look and feel to allow you to easily read all the announcements available to you, while allowing you to see other information on the homepage.

Press on Read More to open the entire announcement. You then get the option to Read Less and you can Dismiss any read items as needed.


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