Professional experience placement. Resources for supervisors in the Health Sciences

The Faculty of Health Science website for professional experience placement is useful for finding information about  clinical supervision within the health disciplines. It provides links for students; safety in practice; placement dates for medicine and paramedicine. Key nursing dates can be found within the SNM PEP page.  There are also links about nursing placement providers. This link provides general information about the facility and/or community that is useful to know before going on a PEP placement. Additionally on the nursing  link for preceptors, facilitators and educators there are three clinical scenarios that can be used for group work with students.

A preceptorship  online learning module web link  is also available at this site. This module supports learning in clinical supervision. The learning outcomes of this module enables participants to develop an understanding of the concept of competence and apply the ANMC competency standards. The module is structured to provide opportunities in applying contemporary learning principles to the learner’s development and assessment and  feedback through the creation of positive learning environments. There is a summary and quiz to enable reflection on the content and learning offered. It is especially useful for new preceptors or those who have mentored recently.  The module is divided into sections so participants can choose an area of supervision where they would like to consolidate or refresh their learning.

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