Models & Ecosystems group

The Models & Ecosystems group meets regularly to discuss recent publications relating to marine and Antarctic ecosystems and ecosystem modelling.

This week Stuart Corney will lead a discussion of

Jin, M., et al. 2011. Investigation of Arctic sea ice and ocean primary production for the period 1992–2007 using a 3-D global ice–ocean ecosystem model. Deep-Sea Research II doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.06.003

Understanding the processes that affect how an ocean ecosystem responds to climate change is crucial to projecting the likely effects of climate change on marine ecosystems as well as the management of fisheries and conservation of economically important species. The Antarctic Climate and Ecosystem CRC is currently trying to build a whole of system marine ecosystem model for the East Antarctic region of the Southern Ocean to answer these kinds of questions. This paper looks at the results of a project to couple an ecosystem model with a sea-ice and ocean model in the Arctic region.

The group will meet from 4-5pm this Friday 14th October in the IMAS meeting room. All welcome.

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