Climate Change Projections for Australia: Where to from here?

Penny Whetton
Senior Research Scientist
Climate Variability and Change Program

Monday 21 November 2011, 11.30am
CSIRO Auditorium, Hobart

Region by region projections of how climate is likely to change over the coming decades help to make the prospect of global warming more tangible and relevant. They help us to weigh up the costs and benefits of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and allow us to plan how to adapt to changes in our climate that we may be unable to avoid. Since 1990, CSIRO has released five updates of projected changes in temperature, rainfall, extreme events and many other key aspects of our climate system. CSIRO’s last release was joint with the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) in 2007. Planning is underway for a new release in 2013/2014. The seminar will review the history of CSIRO’s projections, the current the demand for various projection products, and the scientific and communication challenges in producing projections and some ideas on how these challenges might be met.

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