New Features in Echo360

Archive and Soft Delete

Echo360 have now introduced a recycle bin where instructors can review and restore any of their content that has been archived or soft deleted.

Currently only playable media can be archived and soft deleted. This includes:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Interactive Media

Soft deleted content is fully restored exactly as it was, including any links, embeds, class/lesson associations, analytics, etc. Restoration time will depend on the number of files and their sizes

Archived content is fully restored exactly as it was, including any links, embeds, class/lesson associations, analytics, etc. Restoration time will depend on the number of files and their sizes.

There is an Echo360 help guide available with more detailed information relating to archiving and soft deletion recovery.

Availability of Spherical (360°) Video

EchoVideo supports the upload and viewing of Spherical Videos (360° Video). A 360° Video is media that has been captured with special hardware, in a specific format, that captures what is happening all around us. Currently, editing of 360° Video is not supported.

There is an Echo360 help guide available with more detailed information.

Coming Soon

  • H5P – This will enable the creation of links that can be added within H5P.
  • Playlists – This will enable a number of Video/Audio media to be embedded in a unit. A Playlist will be auto created when more than one piece of media is selected to be embedded.


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