Assessment during professional experience

Helminen, Tossavainen and Turunen (2013) undertook a descriptive survey to capture the views and experiences of students, teachers and mentors on their final clinical placement. The authors described the on-going dilemma and lack of clarity of assessment of competency and fitness to practice during clinical experience. They discuss the range of grading systems used and the difficulties with failing students.

The authors reported a high response rate to this survey that they interpreted as the importance of the topic within curriculums. The findings indicated that teacher behaviour or conduct is important to students and their involvement is necessary in final assessment discussions. Mentors were considered important by students as they are the key to successful learning experiences. Students in this study reported they spent enough time with their mentors.

Students rated the qualitative assessment approach as better than numerical assessments. This study also concurred with other studies that mentors pay attention to patients’ opinion and other staff members views when determining assessment of students’ performance. Helminen, Tossavainen and Turunen (2013)  also commented on the low failure rate of students in practice. These authors also canvassed the possibility of developing a standardised scheme for assessment in Europe, but found that at this stage, the differences in nursing education systems around Europe were too different. Australia has progressed to national registration, perhaps it is time to consider a standardised system of assessment in practice? There are a range of differing systems used Nationally to determine competence in practice. If there was a standardised approach to assessment in practice, support for preceptors and facilitators could also be undertaken in a consistent manner.

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