More Mapping

Maps, maps everywhere but not a drop to drink.  Since our recent article on mapping in R, several articles have appeared on mapping techniques in R.

In a series of three articles – Maps with R (I), Maps with R (II) and Maps with R(III),   Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro tackles a range of mapping tasks with R.  The first article constructs a simple choropleth, the second deals with raster data, and the final installment constructs an interactive map.

The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) site also presents a range of mapping examples.

The article ‘The undiscovered country – a tutorial on plotting maps in R‘, uses Python to interact with Google Maps, and then post-processes the result in R.

Great Maps with ggplot2 by James Cheshire has a fantastic example showing cycle hire patterns in London.

Finally, the package RgoogleMaps provides an interface to Google maps.


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