Hot topics in the ecology of invertebrates from coasts to the deep-sea

Amanda Bates
Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies
Fisheries, Aquaculture and Coasts Centre

Date/time: Friday 16th March, 15:30 – 16:30
Venue: IMAS Sandy Bay Seminar Room

Determining the vulnerability of species to climate warming is a priority in order to predict change and prioritize future research.  Assessing species responses to rising environmental temperature requires an integrated understanding of response to thermal intensity and variability at different spatiotemporal scales and how different parameters of thermal regime influence the outcome of species interactions.   I use experimental approaches and statistical modelling to: (1) characterize temperature variability in space and time at scales relevant to small aquatic invertebrates, (2) relate invertebrate behaviour and distribution patterns to temperature at local and global scales, and (3) isolate temperature effects on disease susceptibility in marine invertebrates.


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