Promoting generational cohesion in the nursing workforce. Implications for clinical supervisors

Nelsey and Brownie published in the Collegian this quarter (2012 19 (4) 197-202) discussed the essential elements in promoting generational cohesion in the nursing workforce. These elements have implications for clinical supervisors who are these cohorts and for their undergraduate students who may also be these cohorts and both groups may exhibit traits of their group.  If both groups were aware of their own ‘general’ values and needs this could enhance leanring and teaching opportunities and minimise conflict during professional experience placement (PEP). Table 1 in this article provides a neat summary of the baby boomer, Generation X and Generation Y employment values and needs. These values can be extrapolated to provide quidance about how supervisors or students may respond within the role of a learning and teaching environment such as PEP.

Conflict arises when there is a mismatch in values and/or communication of expectations.  Table 1 provides an insight into why there may be a mismatch in some instances.  Similarly differences in learning styles may have an impact on how students and supervisors respond to learning opportunities and feedback.

Nelsey and Brownie (2012) also discuss leadership, teamwork and mentoring as important in ensuring cohesion within the workplace. The approach of nurse managers to these elements also has implications for clinical supervision as supervisors have a dual role within the workplace.  They have a commitment to their team and patients or clients and they also have a commitment to their students.  If there is a mismatch in the understanding of any of the stakeholders about their role and function there is potential for conflict. It is therefore necessary that nurse managers recognise the challenges and opportunities associated with effective leadership, constructive teamwork and appropriate mentoring across the gernational cohorts to promote a cohesive workplace.   These factors will enhance the quality of the clinical placement for students and promote their value and belongingness within a team while undertaking PEP.

If you have any comments about generational cohesion in the workplace please post them here.


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