Quiz and Survey question types in MyLO

When you create a MyLO Quiz or a MyLO Survey, you will be presented with several question types to choose from. Here is a sample of each question type, with a short video that explains how to create a question.

True or False

In this type of question, students choose whether a statement is true or false. Here is how the question appears to students.


Video: How to construct True or False questions


Multiple Choice

This is a question with a number of options as answers. Students must choose one (or more) answer options. The question below is typical of how a Multiple Choice question would appear to students. However, you can also embed images/tables and even videos into the question and answer fields.


Video: How to construct Multiple Choice questions


Multi Select Question

These  questions are used when more than one answer option is correct. Here you can see that radio buttons are replaced by check boxes. Students can choose more than one option. You have a choice of a few grading options when this question type is used in Quizzes.


Video: How to construct Multi Select questions


Long Answer Question

A Long Answer question includes a textbox that allows students to type in a paragraph or more of text.

If you’re using this question type in a Quiz, be aware that these questions are not automatically graded: they must be graded manually. If you think that student answers will be more than a paragraph or two in length, you should consider using the Dropbox instead. Dropbox allows you to use Turnitin. Using a Dropbox also means that students can type their answer into a Word document and upload the document for submission. Avoid getting students to type an essay into a Long Answer quiz question: their answer could be lost if they run out of time or experience issues with their internet connection.
However, for short sentence/paragraph style questions it is very useful.


Video: How to construct Long Answer question


Short Answer Question

A Short Answer question can be automatically graded if you provide a correct answer when you set up a Quiz (no correct answer is required when this question type is used in a Survey). However, to ‘grade’ this question type, MyLO conducts a simple text-matching exercise and marks the student’s answer as ‘correct’ only if the text matches the answer you have provided. This question type therefore works best for one-word answers. Even if you spend quite some time formulating possible correct answers, something as simple as an additional space or small spelling error may mean that a student’s answer is marked as incorrect. It is possible to withhold marks and mark some answers manually if need be.


Video: Creating a short answer question

Extra Resource: Regular Expressions


Multi Short Answer

This question type is similar to a Short Answer question, however, students need to provide more than one response. Here you would supply each of the correct answers but the students can type them in any order.


Video: Creating Multi Short Answer questions


Fill in the Blank

Also known as ‘cloze’ questions, this question type invites students to type in a word/words into a blank field to complete a sentence. One or more blanks fields can be included in a question.


Video: Creating Fill in the Blank questions


Matching Question

Matching questions provide students with a range of choices. They must find a match between an option in the left column and an option in the right column. Choices in the right column are numbered. Students must indicate which right-hand option matches a left hand option by selecting a number from a drop-down list.


Video: Creating Matching Questions


Ordered List

Here students are presented with a list of options in jumbled order. They must order the options by selecting the appropriate order numbers from a drop down list. This question type is suitable for testing knowledge of processes and procedures, where steps must be performed in a set sequence.

If using this question type in a Survey, you do not need to supply answers: rather, students might use this question type to rank options in order of importance to them.


Video: Creating Ordering questions



In this question type, students must provide the answer to a mathematical formula. The formula is generated using random variables so that no two students will get the exact same question.


Video: Creating Arithmetic questions


Significant Digits

In this question type, a student is required to answer in scientific notation and provide an answer that contains the specified number of significant figures (expressed as a coefficient between 1 and 9.999) and multiplied by an exponent as a power of 10 (e.g. 1.23 x 104). This is useful if the answer is expected to be a very large or very small number.


Video: Coming soon

Likert Scale: Available in Surveys only

The Likert Scale question type is only available for use in Surveys. There are quite a few options to choose from. The agreement scale option is featured in the image below.


Video: Create a Likert question




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