Improved healthcare delivery in Tasmania…the journey so far

Hello everyone

As we near the end of 2016, it seems apt to reflect on the health care improvement journey Health Services Innovation Tasmania (HSI Tas) has led and supported and the many achievements that have been made towards improving healthcare delivery in Tasmania.

Since its launch in 2014, HSI Tas has worked closely with the Tasmanian health system and workforce to improve various healthcare delivery processes in our hospitals, for the benefit of patients.

It has been the high level of engagement, collaboration and leadership from both hospital and university personnel that has driven the improvements achieved so far – and there have been many.

Staff collaboration across disciplines has led to the implementation of practical solutions that have improved patient care and hospital efficiency. Health professionals working in the redesign program have applied a great deal of dedication and determination in their quest to improve the care provided to patients. As a result, our patients are receiving better care, including shorter wait times, spending less time in hospital, and accessing care earlier.


More than 2,000 health professionals across the state have been engaged in redesign, change management and leadership programs delivered by our staff.  Those who have taken part have returned to their workplaces equipped with the tools and techniques to bring about positive change.

Feedback from health professionals across Tasmania has been overwhelmingly positive regarding the improvements that have been passed onto patients.

HSI Tas’ clinical redesign program was also in the international spotlight recently when it was recognised with two short listings in the prestigious Ko Awatea International Excellence in Health Improvement Awards 2016. The awards held in Sydney in September, are part of the internationally recognised healthcare improvement conference – the APAC Forum.

HSI also recently released its publication Working Together to Improve Healthcare, which presented the opportunity to spread the word about the many positive improvements made since clinical redesign began two years ago.

Tasmania’s health system has begun the journey, on a previously unexperienced scale, to reach the consistent, high-quality care of every patient that all clinicians wish to deliver, and our patients and our community are beginning to experience the benefits.

The magnitude of this health service improvement program, incorporating both large scale education and training and on-the-ground clinical redesign initiatives is unprecedented in Tasmania.

Such solid foundations are now achieving, as anticipated, significant changes in the areas where clinical redesign projects have reached the sustainability phases. These achievements are further fuelling the broadening groundswell for positive change and strengthening the belief that, as the ripples of the redesign program and other improvement initiatives spread outwards, such significant improvements in healthcare delivery will be realised system wide.

We would like to congratulate all involved in the HSI Tas team, each hospital redesign office and all who have contributed to the redesign journey. We applaud your efforts and look forward to continuing to work with you to further improve patient care for our community.

Craig Quarmby and Greg Peterson


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